Friday, February 19, 2010

Aquarium Fishes Cardiac Arrest What Tropical Fishes Can I Have In A 10 Gallon Tank? I Want To Have A Colorful Aquarium,fishes Who Get Along.?

What tropical fishes can i have in a 10 gallon tank? I want to have a colorful aquarium,fishes who get along.? - aquarium fishes cardiac arrest

How can I have 10 gallons in the tank? I have more than 1 type of fish.
Is the life expectancy of the fish?

I have a heater and a filter.


catx said...

Life expectancy varies between species and, of course, depend entirely on how you care for them!

I wrote an article about the storage tanks 10 gallons, here comes this question quite a MUST! Have a read here: ...

Note that you must put your tank through the nitrogen cycle first. And just because a fish is small body does not necessarily mean that you hold in a small tank of 10 liters! Zebra Danios are examples that are small and often, but are less active when they swim, they really need 20 gallons More!

PChu said...

I definitely preferred Plati, which in many varieties, which all understood. It sunset fire, fire, move (black lines), Mickey Mouse, blue. You do not even need different types in the tank to look great. You can live 2-3 years and increase of about 1.5-2 cm. However, you can hold over 6-7 in a tank of 10 liters.

All other fish are guppies, tetras proposed to livebearers other small parts, etc. Easy to find information. In addition to individual categories of fish snails, shrimp (cherry or spirit) and the African dwarf frogs, very well in the work of community tanks.

sandip_2... said...

Guppy small, small fish, Plati, wrestling (not man), characins, tips, roses, lilies, fish pens .... Stay out of the corner of the goldfish. because your tank is small way to treat .. as I said, and your tank should be colorful, but not too tight. keep the tank temperature between 28-30 degrees Celsius.

Melmac4 said...

Neon Tetras are small, very light and comfortable. Serpa Tetra's are very hard, easy to transport. Enough to be in school at least 4-5 and will be compatible and are tolerant of beginner mistakes.

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